Sitemap - 2024 - Project 2025 Takedown

Today Is America's Birthday. We Cannot Let November 5 Be Her Death Day.

The Supreme Court Just Handed Trump His Greatest Weapon: Immunity

Project 2025 Paints Dystopian Future for LGBTQ+ Americans

Why a Flawless Debate Against Trump Was Never Possible

7 Questions I Hope Debate Moderators Ask about Project 2025

For Some Anti-Abortion Activists, It Was Never About Saving Babies. It Was About Selling Them.

Why I Fight

Project 2025 Attacks Racial Progress

The SBC Hates IVF

Dem Convention Announcement + Speaking Opportunities

Blue Dot, Red State. A Conversation I Had with a Trump Voter

Meme Monday - A New, Possibly Permanent Fixture of Project 2025 Takedown

Does Trump's Guilty Verdict Even Matter?

Hey Conservative Christians: Still Think God Works in Mysterious Ways?

Project 2025 Will End School Meal Programs

John Pavlovitz on Becoming Your Own Superhero

A Follow Up Address to the Women of Benedictine College by Isabelle Butker

Getting My 9-Year-Old to Brush Her Teeth as if I’m Asking for a Campaign Donation

Butker’s viral speech against working women is exactly what conservatives want

How to Move People from Outrage to Activism with Shannon Watts

Motherhood Is Meaningless without Rights

Democracy Defender Weekly Roundup

This Teacher Appreciation Week, Let's Fight for Educators

Shannon Watts Isn’t Going Back

What Kristi Noem's Dog Teaches Us about Project 2025

Four Fast Facts about the Danger of Project 2025

Conservatives Must Not Care if Women Die.

Even Taylor Swift is Done with Christian Conservatives' Shit

I'm Ready for Some Precedented Times

Project 2025 Wants to 'Flip the Board' of American Government

Donald Trump Thinks He's So Powerful He Can Eclipse Our Democracy

Why Project 2025 Takedown?