Don't panic yet. Yes, the USSC's immunity decision is hard to take, but it isn't unexpected. And, importantly, the lower courts must be convinced that Trump's activities related to January 6th were official duties/actions. I fail to see how the fake elector scheme, the demanding the VP ignore the Constitution, the failure to act in the face of a riot at the Capitol for 3 hours, the election lies, etc., are "official Presidential actions." And, barring the actions of Aileen Cannon, Trump's actions with regard to the classified documents case all happened after he stepped down (reluctantly) from the presidency. The real failure of the USSC is that they didn't rule on the immunity case back in November.

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This Supremely CORRUPT court needs to be dealt with. They just turned their backs on the rights and freedoms and protections of Americans and ruled in favor of their chosen dear leader. They have become the Enemies of democracy and rule of law. They have proven once again that they are out of control, they do not care about America and only serve those that have bought and paid for them. America, democracy, rule of law, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, freedom,..........are ALL under attack from this CORRUPT institution (even under Nixon this did NOT happen) and these 6 CORRUPT "justices" (John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Barrett). Do NOT forget those names (Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett). Because this court will go down in history as one of the WORST ever that damaged the very foundations of our country - if there is a future history of America. They need to be confronted on the damage that they are doing to the future of our country. Which we will NOT have if they and their rulings are allowed. A vote for Trump is a vote for this CORRUPT court and all the disasters yet to come from him and them. Now more than every Americans need to get involved and stay involved and stand and fight for our freedoms - and not give in to this tyranny!!!

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The clock is ticking Nancy, Biden should act swiftly…adding justices, overruling present SCOTUS decisions, he is the king after all!

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Our country- our WORLD needs an opposing candidate who CAN BEAT TRUMP. If that fails, we are all headed for speeded up environmental degradation and climate disasters, more homelessness, less health care, higher death rates, and enhanced chaos. Period.

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