I ran a Holistic Health Bookstore that employed a Evangelical College Graduate. For Christmas I told the Employees to pick out any 3 books they would like. She came up to me with 2 books: a encyclopedia of Health and a Comprehendum of Health and asked which had everything about Health in it. I said they were both good but they had differences. I said take both. "No, I only want one like the Bible, that has everything in it.". These people don't want to think. And they desire to have a outside authority telling them what to think and do.

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The whole point of Project 2025 is to disempower a vast class of people* who will live (and not for long) only to serve the Plutocracy. Spearing classical studies and other bases for creative thought are all part of the plan.

* Burger-flippers and canon fodder for Christ.

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