Keep writing, Tiffany! I'm learning from you, with thanks.

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I am slogging my way through Project 2025. I can only handle a little bit at a time, so the election will probably be over before I make my way through it. But the introduction pretty much says it all. What a distopian view of the future.

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Project 2025 is frightening and every American who cares about our Democracy and our Freedom needs to read it! Anything and everything that makes America a good and decent place will be destroyed if Republicans win and they attempt to implement Project 2025. "Everything Trump touches dies". Everything Project 2025 touches will die. "Republicans are a threat to your Freedom, Health, Wealth, and Safety." Every Republican in every election everywhere in America needs to be defeated. They have become a Cult bent on the complete takeover of America. Whatever you hold near and dear in America is under threat from the current Republican Cult and their dear leader. Defeating them everywhere is part of the solution.

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