I am aware of Project 2025. It reminds me of PNAC, written in the late 1990s by Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and other right-wing think-tank dipshits. "Progress for a New American Century" was a road map for, among other things, gaining control of the oil in the Middle East.

Politically, there are a few things that are really bugging me... such as... left-wing pundits starting their daily spiel with "If Trump wins in November..." No. Trump cheats and wins? Totally unacceptable. America goes Nazi? Uh... no. Government by "Assholes Without Borders"? Nope.

("You can squawk all you want, you MAGANAZI, feces-smearing redneck puppy killers, but you are NOT going to ride your bloated, scowling Golden Calf into the Oval Office again.")

These artless, narrow, embittered, racist, misogynist, bombastic pseudo-Christian fuckwads think that there will be no resistance. Who will obey Trump? Who will carry out his orders? Name names.

The "What If Trumps Wins" scenario is the height of left-wing milquetoast stupidity. This is 100% the wrong narrative. "The end of American democracy"? Total bullshit. It's time to cut the head off the snake.

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May 2Liked by Tiffany Torres Williams

2 May 2024

Liberals, Dems, and Independents better start PRACTICING NOW at holding their noses and voting for Biden-Harris.

Do NOT check-out.

Libs, Dems and all who oppose this insane defendant who tried to overthrow our votes in the 2020 election...

...MUST be as committed to Biden-Harris in November as Trump’s MAGAs are committed to him.

If you aren’t, and you don’t vote in November…

…then America’s democratic republic is over and done. It’s that simple.

Our future is in our VOTES.

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I have a lot of reasons to have faith in Joe Biden. I think he's been an excellent (if boring) president, exactly what we've needed. But yes, I'm aware many Dems are purists and have a hard time voting for someone who doesn't 100% align with them. This is not the election do that. Great comment John!

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Tif, please may i ask a question, can you make your content free to post outside Substack? In the way Thom as done and “What has Joe Biden Done Today”. And even some from Heather Cox Richardson. I am not doing newsletter so I am not attuned as to how technically you can do that. But I am a reader. When I see SHARE AT BOTTOM of the articles i find i can share on other venues. Thom Hartman referred us to you. I realize all of you are trying to earn a living here. But I found when I posted Substack members’ free content in other venues, exposing awesome truther content some non Substack members signed up for emails w/them. So it can be a recruitment measure spreading important newsletters. Thank you for consideration. We need to protect democracy!!!! Thank you 🙏🏽

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Hi Joanne! Thanks for reading. At this time, I'm not charging for any of my content. That might change in the future, but for now, share away for free!

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Yay. It worked!! Usually content from Substack hits paywall and it’s too bad because so much info here. Cannot depend on msm. But i understand professional writers are trying to earn a living. I can only subscribe to one at a time. Wish I could do more. But I read as many as my time allows here. Many. All awesome!! Some writers that has paywall allows a certain amount to be shared. I don’t know the tech stuff about that. But I sure take advantage to share! I’ve seen some folks from other venues sign up after reading Awesome content for some free sharing. It’s kind of like promotional advertising, I think.🤔 MAHALO SO MUCH FOR ALLOW SHARING.. 🥰

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I'm glad it worked for you! Share, share, share!

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Project 2025 Subtitle Needs to be: How to Destroy America, by those who Hate her.

What a Vile, Traitorous, Pile of Odorous Garbage. Stinks like a Pile of “djt’s adult Diapers discarded.

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Great title suggestion! *nose pinch*

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Thanks Tiffany for the Title recommendation: “Nose Pinch” very appropriate! Kali

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May 16Liked by Tiffany Torres Williams

There is a hidden thread running through all of the MAGA Republican rhetoric. They are always hitting it tangentially, with dog whistles and pretexts. It is a desire to eliminate the Reconstruction Amendments, especially the Fourteenth and Nineteenth. Rhetoric is aimed at migrants and LGBTQ persons, but the real targets are citizenship, privacy, equal protection of the law, and voting rights. They are coming after us all.

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